Adrian College Releases Mobile Website
This unique tool boasts the capacity to browse current events, news stories, and even schedule a visit to campus. The first mobile website of its kind, it allows users to sign in through their Facebook account, and fully interact with content. The mobile website offers directions to campus and click-to-call buttons to easily connect to anyone at the College.
Adrian College partnered with Prime of Northville, MI to design and build the new mobile site.
“A lot of colleges are looking at mobile apps and social media, but none have paired the two for the good of the students, with a clear vision for how it will help the admissions team,” said Matt Gaidica, a developer on the project.
Adrian College Mobile will be the next step in Adrian College’s new admissions strategy, led by Frank Hribar, Adrian’s Vice President for Enrollment. The idea is to integrate new technology, such as Apple iPad’s, with social media – things that prospective students can identify with.
While many phone “apps” are specific to the mobile device, Adrian College Mobile can be viewed by anyone with a web browser, including (but not limited to) Android, Windows, and Apple devices.
Adrian Mobile continues to challenge new recruitment strategies with a strong success story with a solely internal launch. To date, the site has experienced over 12,406 Visits, with 8,399 Absolute Unique Visitors, 36,650 Pageviews, 558 Facebook shares.
Adrian College celebrated the launch internally with a t-shirt and iPad giveaway. Students, staff, faculty and friends who shared a story via the mobile site received a free t-shirt and chance to win one of two iPads. The winners of this drawing were freshmen Alexandra Maxson and Riley Brooks.
The College also offered a student organization contest for the group with the highest percentage of members participating in Facebook integration of the site. Alpha Phi was awarded a $200 gift card to Meijer with 46% of members participating.
Adrian College Executive Vice President to Leave

In accepting this new challenge, Vice President Creehan furthers his commitment to higher education and to providing dynamic and positive leadership. His passion for education is complimented by his deep rooted family values, and he will share the challenges of his new office with his wife Beth, and their three daughters: Tara, Darcy and Colleen.
When asked about Executive Vice President Creehan’s departure, Adrian College President, Dr. Jeffrey Docking had high praise, “Rick Creehan will be missed here at Adrian College. He has provided leadership that has directly contributed to the growth and prosperity of the College over the past six years. His knowledge of enrollment, combined with his hard work and ingenuity in a variety of venues, have been catalysts in our successful efforts to grow the College. In my twenty-five years in higher education, Rick is one of the finest administrators and colleagues with whom I have worked.”
President Docking also offered, “Although we will miss Rick’s outstanding ability on the administrative team at Adrian College, we celebrate his ascension to a College presidency. He richly deserves this honor and I am confident that he will lead Alderson-Broaddus to new levels of prosperity and excellence. He is a dynamic individual, a proven leader and a fine human being.”
Executive Vice President Creehan has a BS in Education from California University of Pennsylvania (1976) and a MS in Educational Administration from the University of Dayton (1981). He has served in his current role as Executive Vice President since joining Adrian College in 2005. Immediately prior to his move to Adrian, Creehan was the Director of Athletics at Washington & Jefferson College in Washington, Pennsylvania. At the time, Adrian College President Dr. Jeffrey R. Docking was a colleague of Creehan’s and the Vice President at Washington and Jefferson. Docking saw firsthand the impact this model had on Washington and Jefferson. His first decision as newly appointed president at Adrian College was to offer Creehan the role of Executive Vice President.
“Rick Creehan is a real change agent” said Marcia Boynton, Director of the Institute for Health Studies. “Alderson-Broaddus has a long tradition of training students in the health professions, and I know Rick will strengthen and expand those programs during his tenure as president at A-B.”
Rick Creehan has demonstrated his passion for education and working with youth throughout his career. He has a true commitment to helping young people establish and reach their goals. Upon graduating from California University of Pennsylvania, he taught social studies and coached in the eastern Ohio public schools for seven years. In 1984 he accepted an offer from Allegheny College in Pennsylvania where he coached baseball for 13 years and served as the Director of Athletics for 12 years. During his tenure at Allegheny, Creehan distinguished himself as the most winning coach in the school’s history. Over 13 seasons he coached the baseball team to numerous honors in the North Coast Athletic Conference and to the NCAA national playoffs. Coach Creehan’s teams won 377 games in those 13 seasons.
While at Allegheny College, Vice President Creehan began to develop his enrollment model which he titled “Admissions Yield.” He continued to refine the model and took it to Washington & Jefferson College in 2002 when he accepted an appointment as their Director of Athletics. As a member of the president’s senior cabinet at Washington and Jefferson, Creehan was given the opportunity to broaden the application of his Admissions Yield Model. The impact of the full implementation of the enrollment model is credited as the primary reason for Washington & Jefferson’s reemergence as a top tier liberal arts college. With the success of his Admissions Yield Model, several other colleges and universities hired Creehan in a consulting capacity to help formulate enrollment planning on their respective campuses. At Adrian College the Renaissance I initiative was based on the Admissions Yield Model and Executive Vice President Creehan has been a contributing architect and a key player in the College’s ongoing success.
Cindy Beaubien, the Assistant to the Executive Vice President, found working with Creehan rewarding. “When reflecting on the five years that Rick and I have worked together I am reminded of the first line of one of his favorite Irish Blessings, “May you always have work for your hand to do.” “Well we definitely had lots of work to do. Rick has left his mark on Adrian College. I have been fortunate to work for a person who allowed me the opportunity to be self-directed. I am blessed to call him my friend. I wish him much success in his next endeavor and offer to him the last line of the Irish Blessing… May God (always) fill your heart with gladness to cheer you.”
In the past six years, Adrian College has become a national sensation. In the spring of 2006, President Docking and Executive Vice President Creehan saw an enrollment of 840 students. The present enrollment at the College has grown to 1680 full-time, undergraduate students. In the College’s 152 year history this is its landmark enrollment. During this same period, the operating budget has more than doubled from $23 million (2005) to the present day $55 million. This resurgence has led to the creation of an academic division that has propelled Adrian College to national recognition in virtually all of the publications that rank institutions of higher learning.
With positive and dynamic leadership, attrition rates at the College have fallen to historic lows. Today, retention rates hold steady from fall to fall at 84%, while over 90% retention is held from fall to spring. Academic standards have also risen with historically high ACT scores and exceptional GPA’s that demonstrate that the faculty and student body are self-motivated and better prepared for the rigors of academic excellence. With a strong commitment to experiential learning and student research, and a high number of students pursuing post-graduate work, Adrian College continues to raise the bar for excellence and achievement.
President Docking and Executive Vice President Creehan have also led the College through numerous facility upgrades, renovations, and new construction. With teamwork, a vision was developed for 40 acres of undeveloped land. The result is a state-of-the-art athletic complex including: a multi-sport stadium, Arrington Ice arena, Nicolay baseball stadium (among the finest in Div. III facilities), softball field, Craft tennis courts and a track and field complex. A strategy was also developed for the renovation of the Merillat Fitness Center with the addition of the Bulldog conference room and new athletic training facilities.
Executive Vice President Creehan was assigned the responsibility for overseeing the construction of the new dining hall, the construction and remodeling of the Ward Admissions House, the development of guest facilities, and office space for the Public Relations Department. He was principally responsible for the acquisition of three apartment complexes that were converted into upper classman residential housing and supervised the construction of the College’s newest residential facility, College View North. Adding to these residential accomplishments is Creehan’s oversight of the restoration of a once derelict college dormitory into a modern facility of single residential rooms with private baths.
His “hard hat” assignments also included the complete renovation of Stanton Administration Building, the construction of the Spencer Music addition, and the remodeling of Dawson Auditorium. While Creehan’s departure will not allow for him to be present for the completion of the renovations in the Peele/Jones Academic Building, the new science addition, the circle drive adjacent to the Adrian Tobias Room, or the new restaurant over the Arrington Ice Arena, his contributions to these projects will certainly be recognized.
“I have had the pleasure to work with Rick in the capacity of government and foundation relations at Adrian College and have been honored to have him as a leader and a mentor, with a vision for growth and success for the College. Rick embodies loyalty, professionalism and a charismatic leadership that is unmatched.” This was offered by Katie Frye Hammond, Director of Government and Foundation Relations.
Vice President Creehan has been the Chief Operations Officer of Adrian College including responsibilities for the supervision of intercollegiate athletics and intramurals, public relations, financial aid, admissions, dining services, auxiliary services, campus conferencing, summer conferencing, human resources, and new construction and building remodeling. He served as President Docking’s Chief of Staff. Rick and has been the liaison to the Board of Trustees’ property and grounds committee, and the recruitment and retention committee. Creehan also oversaw the newly created Office of Government Relations and managed the oversight for all established handbooks, policies, guidelines and benefit reforms.
In 2008, Rick was appointed by the Board of Trustees as Interim Vice President of the Business and Finance division and College Treasurer. He was given the task of reconstructing the division while serving as an interim. Working together with President Docking and the Board of Trustees, Executive Vice President Creehan has been a key player in initiatives to rebrand the college in partnership with public relations, admissions, financial aid and athletics. At his suggestion, Plant was deputized as an enrollment office, or an extension of the admissions arm, to assure the curb appeal of a pristine campus. In part, this vision assisted the College in becoming a destination for weddings, conferences, and community engagements.
One of Rick Creehan’s colleagues, Dr.Robin Bott, Professor of English/Director, Study Abroad offered this statement, “A consummate gentleman and a very kind friend, as an administrator he strove always to put students first and to listen with a discerning ear to the gentle urgings of faculty colleagues on behalf of those students. Always a learning machine, [Creehan] has worked to be in touch with the academic and administrative needs of this institution, I have enjoyed knowing Rick in his sojourn at Adrian College, and I wish him great success in his new position.”
Dr. Tina Claiborne, Director of Athletic Training Education, expressed her support of Creehan, “Through guidance and administrative support, Vice President Creehan has been instrumental in the initial success of the new Athletic Training Education Program and implementation of the graduate program. His business sense and interpersonal skills will serve him very well in his new role as a college president. I wish him all the best.
“I leave Adrian with a great deal of satisfaction in a job well done by so many. I commend all who have contributed to the national story of Adrian College these past six years,” Creehan said. “My thanks must be expressed to President Docking, the Adrian College Board of Trustees, and to my colleagues for their trust, help, and faith in me and what we inspired and accomplished together.”
“While at Adrian College, I gave everything I had. I tried to the best of my ability to be a productive and proactive team-player. The opportunity to be the Executive Vice President of such a remarkable institution has, without a doubt, led to me to this next opportunity.”
Creehan went on to say that he looks forward to beginning this new journey at Alderson-Broaddus College, in a scenic setting in the heart of West Virginia.
“Though the challenges will be many, the people that I have met through the interview process are dedicated and passionate to the continued advancement of A-B. They have given me an abundance of faith that we will meet these challenges head on, with my record of accomplishment as a growth specialist serving as a guide for continued success. Growing enrollment at Alderson-Broaddus will be job number one.”
Adrian College Student Receives Newman Civic Fellow Award
On May 1, 2011, 135 students from 30 states were honored as Newman Civic Fellows by Campus Compact. Among the honorees is Kourtney Price of Adrian College. The Newman Civic Fellows Awards recognize inspiring college student leaders who have demonstrated an investment in finding solutions for challenges facing communities throughout the country.
Dr. Frank Newman—one of the founders of Campus Compact—had a tremendous impact on American education and its role in the development of citizens who are eager and prepared to make a difference. He dedicated his life to creating systemic change through education reform and he would have been inspired by this first group of 135 Newman Civic Fellows, named today by Campus Compact. They are, quite simply, reflections and affirmations of his life’s work.
From 30 states, college and university presidents have nominated the best-of-the-best: promising college student leaders who have demonstrated an investment in finding solutions for challenges facing communities throughout the country. Through service, research, and advocacy, these Newman Civic Fellows are making the most of their college experiences to better understand themselves, the root causes of social issues, and effective mechanisms for creating lasting change.
“These students represent the next generation of public problem solvers and civic leaders. They serve as national examples of the role that higher education can—and does play in building a better world,” explains Campus Compact President Maureen F. Curley.
Kourtney Price is active in the Student Government Association, serving as president during the past two years. He is an advocate for student voice, regularly meeting with members of the administration working to improve the college. He is also active in support of student academic success and scholarship among other aspects of student life. Kourtney is involved in a variety of committees to both plan and implement strategies to increase student involvement with the local community.
Through service-learning courses and other opportunities for community engagement, colleges are developing students’ critical public problem-solving skills such as the ability to research and analyze community needs, a willingness to lead and participate in public processes and debate, the commitment to raise awareness about community challenges, and the ability to inspire people to become part of solutions.
Campus Compact is a national coalition of more than 1,100 college and university presidents—representing some 6 million students—who are committed to fulfilling the civic purposes of higher education to improve community life and to educate students for civic and social responsibility. Through the Newman Civic Fellows Awards, college and university presidents acknowledge students with the ability and motivation to create lasting change in our communities. For more information
Adrian College Campus to Host “Bark for Life”
ADRIAN, Mich. – Bruiser, the Adrian College live mascot, invites friends of the Adrian College community to join him and other four legged companions for the first annual “Bark For Life” dog walk on May 15, 2011. This signature event will be held at the Adrian College Multi-Sport Stadium, beginning promptly at 9:30 AM.
Open to the public and their four footed friends, registration will commence at 9:00 AM the day of the walk. Cost to register for this event is $10 and can be paid at the time of registration. Bandanas will be given on a first come, first serve basis to those who take part in the activities. Additional fund raisers to include paper “bone” purchases for your chance to win $500, and snacks or bottled water for all participants. 100% of the proceeds will be donated to the Lenawee County Relay For Life event held later this year.
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