Admissions Office
The Office of Admissions invites you to explore Adams State College. Adams State is a dynamic place where you can experience superior academic programs, outstanding faculty, a beautiful location, and the most affordable tuition in Colorado.Contact us at or 1-800-824-6494 .
Superior Academics
Adams State College is proud to have received Program of Excellence awards in Biology, Business, Music, and Graduate Counseling by the state of Colorado. With 16 majors and nearly 30 minors and emphasis areas, we have a variety of options to explore.
Outstanding Faculty
At Adams State College, small classes are the norm with two-thirds of all classes having 20 or fewer students. We pride ourselves on superior instruction with professors that go out of their way to ensure your success.
Beautiful Location

Alamosa, Colorado is located in the San Luis Valley, the largest alpine basin in North America. Surrounded by the beautiful Sangre de Cristo and San Juan mountain ranges, Adams State College is the perfect place to study, work, and live.
Great Value

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